Dissertation Scholarship

National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion

Dissertation Scholarship

National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion

Dissertation Scholarship

The NABPR is committed to encouraging academically qualified scholars and teachers of religion who carry out their teaching and research with a sense of Baptist identity.  To that end, the NABPR dissertation scholarship supports emerging scholars in their academic journeys and supports new research, especially research that impacts the Baptist tradition.

One scholarship of $3,000 will be awarded each year.  In addition, recipients can receive two separate travel stipends in the amount of $1,000 to attend the May meeting and/or $1,000 to attend the November AAR/SBL meeting of the NABPR, where their work will be recognized by the association. 

In order to be eligible the candidate must be:

  • at the dissertation stage (ABD) in an accredited doctoral program

  • affiliated with a Baptist congregation

  • an NABPR member - applicants may join (at a discounted student membership rate) at the time of application with no penalty

To apply the candidate must submit the following:

  • a letter of interest, including potential use of the funds (for example: childcare, living expenses, research costs, or travel for research purposes),
  • a curriculum vitae,
  • the dissertation prospectus and/or sample chapter,
  • two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a member of the NABPR

All materials must be submitted electronically to Dr. Adam C. English, Executive Secretary/Treasurer of NABPR, at [email protected] 

Deadline for submitting materials is January 15. Notifications of awards by March 30.

Past Dissertation Scholarship Winners

  • 2006, G. Scott Becker
  • 2006, Kristian Angelov, The Purcell School
  • 2007, Chad Eggleston, Dean of Arts, Sciences, and Business, McClennan Community College in Waco,
  • 2008, Trey Gilliam, Associate Professor of Religion at Chowan University
  • 2009, David Moffitt, Senior Lecturer in the School of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland
  • 2010, Derek Hatch, Endowed Chair of Baptist Studies and Associate Professor of Religion at Georgetown College
  • 2011, David King, Karen Lake Buttrey Director, Lake Institute on Faith & Giving and Assistant Professor, Philanthropic Studies at Indiana University
  • 2012, Melanie Trexler, Roanoke College
  • 2013, Courtney Pace, Assistant Professor of Church History, Memphis Theological Seminary
  • 2014, Amy Chilton, Wingate University
  • 2015, Jordan Rowan Fannin, Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Berry College
  • 2016, No Award
  • 2017, João Chaves, Hispanic Theological Initiative
  • 2018, Kathryn H. House, Boston University School of Theology
  • 2018, Andrew Gardner, Hartford Institute of Religion Research
  • 2019, Kate Hanch, First St. Charles United Methodist Church
  • 2019, Elizabeth Arnold, Emory University
  • 2020, Emily Buck-Mendenhall, Fuller Theological Seminary
  • 2021, Matthew Beal, Boston University School of Theology
  • 2022, Indea Adesanya, Graduate Theological Union
  • 2023, Sam Davidson, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • 2024, Sam Still, University of Exeter
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