Congratulations to Dissertation Scholarship Awardees Kate Hanch and Elizabeth Arnold
Kate Hanch
Kate is a PhD candidate in theology and ethics at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Kate’s dissertation seeks to articulate a feminist theological account of prophetic humility exemplified through female mystics. Specifically, she puts medieval women in conversation with nineteenth century Black women preachers to uncover a prophetic humility. She delves into the characteristics, stances, behaviors, and words of women and how they may demonstrate a humility that is not an erasure of the self, but the fullness of self. She articulates humility as a habitus modeled in the way of Jesus. From him, we realize humility as a habitus includes self-awareness, courage, prophecy, and discernment in relation to oneself, others, and God. Humility, ultimately, is concerned with the whole statement of loving neighbor and God as oneself.
Kate is ordained through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and serves as an Associate Pastor at First United Methodist Church in St. Charles, MO. She also has taught at Central Baptist Theological Seminary and Lindenwood University. She lives with her husband in O’Fallon, MO. You can find more about her publications on her Garrett Profile.
Elizabeth Arnold
Elizabeth Arnold is a New Testament Ph.D. candidate at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and a 2015 graduate of Gardner-Webb School of Divinity. Currently, she is working on her dissertation which investigates the importance of the wilderness as both setting and symbol in the narrative scope of Luke-Acts. In addition to her academic study of the New Testament, she serves as a ministry resident at Smoke Rise Baptist Church in Stone Mountain, Georgia and will be ordained as a minister of the gospel in September 2019. By combining the study of New Testament interpretation with her dedication to the art and practice of preaching, Elizabeth hopes to teach the New Testament in combination with homiletics. Elizabeth is married to Adam and they have three children: Lilianna, Gabriel, and Noemi.
baptist Baptists dissertation scholarship