Mitchell G. Reddish Festschrift
Left to right: R. Scott Nash, Mitchell G. Reddish, Kandy Queen-Sutherland.


Mitchell G. Reddish Festschrift

The 2018 Festschrift issue of Perspectives in Religious Studies has been published in honor of Mitchell G. Reddish, the O. L. Walker Professor of Christian Studies and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Stetson University, DeLand, Florida. The issue, entitled “Unveiling Revelation and Jesus of Nazareth: Essays in Honor of Mitchell Reddish,” was edited by Jaime Clark-Soles. After a brief biographical sketch of Reddish by department colleague Kandy Queen-Sutherland, eight articles focusing on different aspects of the book of Revelation follow. The authors contributing these studies are M. Eugene Boring, Richard B. Vinson, Jerry L. Sumney, David L. Barr, Tina Pippin, R. Scott Nash, and Greg Carey. The final article is an archaeologically-focused examination of the historical Jesus and the historical Galilee by R. Alan Culpepper. The issues concludes with a select bibliography of Reddish’s publications.

The paper copies should be shipping to NABPR members soon. Non-members or those who want a special copy Mikeal Parsons,Department of Religion, Baylor University, One Bear Place #97284, Waco, TX 76798-7284 [email protected].

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