Program for the 2017 Annual Meeting of NABPR at AAR/SBL in Boston
National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion
2017 Annual Meeting at AAR/SBL in Boston, Massachusetts
18 November 2017, 9:00-11:30 AM Westin Copley Place—Essex North (Third Level)
- 9:00 Gathering for Coffee and Conversation
- 9:30 Greetings and Program Overview Steve Harmon, Gardner-Webb University NABPR Vice President
- 9:35 Introduction of President’s Address
- 9:40 President’s Address Doug Weaver, Baylor University and NABPR President
Baptists and the Interplay of Word/Spirit/Experience By Doug Weaver
- 10:05 Responses from the Association Moderated by Steve Harmon
- 10:20 Introduction of Keynote Address Rady Roldan-Figueroa, Boston University
- 10:25 Keynote Address Nancy Ammerman, Boston University
- Dr. Ammerman is Professor of Sociology of Religion, Sociology Department and School of Theology; Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Social Sciences.
Being Baptist in this Moment By Nancy Ammerman
- 11:00 Responses from the Association Moderated by Rady Roldan-Figueroa
- 11:15 Fall Business Meeting Danny Mynatt, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, and NABPR Executive Secretary-Treasurer
- Introduction of the Nominating Committee Steve Harmon
- Bill Pitts, Baylor University (chair)
- Mel Hawkins, Carson-Newman University
- Meredith Stone, Hardin-Simmons University
- Election of the Dissertation Scholarship Committee
- Update on Change to the NABPR Constitution Danny Mynatt
- Update on NABPR Social Media Adam DJ Brett
- Introduction of the Nominating Committee Steve Harmon
- 11:25 Invitation to the National Meeting Steve Harmon
May 21-23, 2018, Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, NC
- 11:30 Adjournment Steve Harmon