NABPR Newsletter – Fall, 2004

Yes, There Is An Error in the Program Book

If you hadn’t noticed, both Saturday morning NABPR meetings are labelled in the Program Book as “NABPR Executive Committee.” The 7:30 meeting is truly the Executive Committee meeting. The 9:00 meeting will be the Association’s usual Annual Meeting. I look forward to seeing you there.

Danny Mynatt
National Executive Secretary-Treasurer


Annual Meeting Information


I always look forward to the national NABPR and AAR/SBL Meetings. They are the one time during the year that we all get together for conversation, fellowship, and (occasionally!!) stimulating scholarly exchange. In preparation for our time together, I have sent to all of you an informational questionnaire. A portion of my presidential address will be an attempt to answer the question, “Who is the NABPR today?” In numerous conversations that I have had and that I have overheard during my ten years in the NABPR (yes, I am a youngster, a novice), the general consensus is that our world is vastly different than it was twenty years ago. And so the quest. in addition, Mikael Parsons, our Vice President, has put together (as usual) an outstanding program for our meeting. I look forward to seeing each of you in San Antonio. Come and find out who we are!!!

Nancy deClaisse-Walford

20 November 2004
9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting
Gonzalez Convention Center 204B
San Antonio, TX

9:00 – Call to Order Nancy deClaisse-Walford

9:05 – Welcome from the President of the Baptist University of the Americas, San Antonio Albert Reyes

9:10 – Welcome from the Executive Secretary Daniel Mynatt

9:15 – Presentation of the Festschrift Bob Patterson9:20 – Introduction of the President’s Address Bill Bellinger

9:20 – President’s Address Nancy deClaisse-Walford: ” Confessions of a Canonical Critic”

9:50 – Responses from the Association moderated by Bill Bellinger

10:00 – Presentation introduced by Helen Lee Turner

Forming Baptist Identity(ies) in American Higher Education

Please note: Panelists will summarize their papers, but it will help if NABPR members could read the longer versions prior to the meeting. Links to the full texts are included below.

Glenn Hinson, Emeritus, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond
Dianne Oliver, University of Evansville
Ralph Wood, Baylor University

11:00 – Annual Business Session Nancy deClaisse-Walford, presiding

  1. approval of the 2003 minutes</p>
  2. report of the Executive Committee Daniel Mynatt

  3. recommendation on New Members James P. Byrd, Jr.

  4. report of the Nominating Committee Sandra Polaski

  5. report of the Editorial Board Lawrence Williams

  6. report of the Editorial Board Nominating Committee TBA

  7. miscellaneous business and announcements

11:30 Adjournment

NABPR Minutes from the Southwest Region, 2004

Southwest Region
March 5-6, 2004

The annual meeting of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion, Southwest Region convened at the Harvey Hotel in Irving, Texas, on Friday evening, March 5, 2004. Naymond Keathley (Baylor University), Vice-President of NABPR/SW, welcomed all who had gathered in the “Chinaberry Room” for the initial session of the meeting. Some announcements were made, prayer requests were mentioned, and an overview of this year’s meeting was presented.

Tommy Brisco (Logsdon School of Theology, Hardin-Simmons University) started the program by providing an overview of “Jeremiah” to supply background matters relative to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 2005 Winter Bible Study. Brisco provided a packet of materials for the participants concerning “Jeremiah” including a structural outline, key events in the prophet’s life, a bibliography, and a historical background of the seventh century. Jeremiah’s lengthy ministry had “several pregnant periods of preaching.” The prophet’s usage of “covenant”became the center point of his theology culminating with the message of divine love. A fellowship break followed the interaction between the guild and Brisco.

The final segment of the evening’s program was Randy Hatchett (Houston Baptist Univeristy), President of NABPR/SW and his presidential address, “Recovering Immediacy.” He described the struggle found in many Baptist churches between the historical practices and cultural modernism. Revelation of truth is addressed through personal knowledge of the speaker–“my name is Randy and I’m a historical critic.” Different methodologies and reading strategies continue to keep the immediacy of the voice of the Spirit active as God confronts his people.

Following his address, Hatchett was presented with a commemorative plaque by the Secretary/Treasurer of NABPR/SW. The evening session adjourned for a time of fellowship.

Saturday morning, March 6, the participants gathered again in the “Chinaberry” room of the Harvey Hotel for the morning session. Vice President Naymond Keathley introduced “his boss,”Randall O’Brien (Baylor), who brought a devotional from themes and passages of the book of Job. True perspectives of religion lie in “the compassion to others.” Illustrations about the bereavement of a family who had experienced the death of their eleven-year-old son raised thoughts about pastoral ministry in relation to suffering. “God had one son without sin, but not one without suffering.”

Following O’Brien’s devotional words, Vice-President Keathley introduced a panel comprised of Jerry Faught (Oklahoma Baptist University), Bill Caroll (University of Mary Hardin-Baylor), and Gary Gramling (Howard Payne University). This panel gave personal insights and fielded questions about maintaining the identity of a Baptist university in a pluralistic society. Theology faculty must work to model for students what it means to be Baptist. Questions and interaction from the guild completed the session.

During the business session, Keathley introduced Larry McGraw (Logsdon School of Theology, HSU), Secretary/Treasurer of NABPR/SW who distributed the March 14-15, 2003 minutes and the Treasurer’s Report. The secretary/treasurer reported on informational items related to the national executive board meeting of the NABPR which convened in Atlanta in November 2003. He described the benefits of being a member of the national organization, the status of the regional organization, and other informational items. The minutes were approved along with the treasurer’s report showing a combined amount of $4,867.16.

President Hatchett announced that the nominating committee was comprised of Steve Oldham (Mary Hardin-Baylor), Jeter Basen (Baylor), and Randy Richards (Ouachita Baptist University). The committee presented for the members’ consideration: Naymond Keathley (Baylor) for President; Danny Hays (Ouachita Baptist) for Vice President; and Larry McGraw (Logsdon School, HSU) for Secretary-Treasurer. This slate of officers was elected unanimously.

President Hatchett extended final remarks to the NABPR/SW complimenting them on their attendance.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:o7 a.m.

With collegiality,
Larry McGraw

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