NABPR-SE Regional Meeting Program March 2018
Update: There has been a venue change for SECSOR. The meeting will now be taking place at: Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel and Conference Center.
National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion, Southeast
2018 Southeast Regional Meeting
Friday, March 2, 2018
Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel and Conference Center.
2:30-3:00pm Registration and Refreshments
3:00-3:05 Welcome
- Welcome from the President— Alicia Myers, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek, Campbell University Divinity School
- Announcement of Program— Andrew Gardner, Florida State University
3:05-3:40 Presidential Address:
- _Blessed Among Women? Mothers and Motherhood in the New Testament _Alicia Myers
3:40-4:30 Panelist Responses and Discussion:
- Diane Lipsett, Salem College
- Mimi Walker, Druid Hills Baptist Church, McAfee School of Theology
- Thomas Dixon, Campbell University
4:30-4:35 Break
4:35-5:00 Business Meeting
- 2019 SECSOR meeting
- NABPR-SE meeting Action Items
- Location
- Election of officers
- Miscellaneous business
5:00 Adjournment