NABPR Annual Meeting – 2002
The twenty-second annual meeting of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion was called to order by President Molly T. Marshall. A moment of silence was observed remembering the passing of former member of the NABPR, John Joseph Owens. Also recognized was Findley Edge, who, though not a member of the Association, touched the lives of many who shaped the guild. Richard F. Wilson, Executive Secretary, gave greetings and acknowledged the planning of Molly Marshall for the Meeting.
Gregory Mobley and Claude F. Mariottini presented the 2002 Festschrift in honor of Page Kelley. Professor Kelley’s wife, Vernice Kelly accepted the Festschrift on behalf of her late husband. Bill Leonard introduced President Molly Marshall for the Presidential Address, “Participant in the Life of God: A Trinitarian Pneumatology.” At the conclusion of the paper Marshall opened the floor for questions and comments from the Association, which were moderated by Bill Leonard.
Bill Leonard introduced presenters for a discussion on Charles Kimball’s book, When Religion Becomes Evil. Presenting were Walter Harrelson and Dianne Oliver. Kimball concluded the program with his responses and additional reflections on this timely book.
Following the presentation, Bill Leonard and Molly Marshall made a special presentation to Richard Wilson in honor of his ten years of service to the NABPR as Executive Secretary-Treasurer. (These ten years were preceded by two years of service as Assistant Executive Secretary-Treasurer.) Wilson was presented with both a framed resolution, read by Leonard, and a plaque of appreciation. The Association unanimously endorsed the resolution. Dr. Wilson then made brief comments of appreciation and reflection on the past accomplishments and future promise of the Association. Replacing Wilson as Executive Secretary- Treasurer is Danny Mynatt.
At 11:00, President Molly Marshall convened the annual business session. The 2001 minutes were approved. Executive Secretary Richard Wilson gave the report from the Executive Committee. Marshall then recognized Dianne Oliver, who offered the nominations of Bill Leonard for president and Nancy deClaisse- Walford for vice president of the Association for 2003. There was no opposition, and the nominees were elected by unanimous vote. Marshall then recognized Bill Leonard, chair of the Editorial Board, for the report of the board and to report on the Editorial Board Nominating Committee. Leonard and Scott Nash reported that David May had resigned as editor of PRS. The new editor will be Mikeal Parsons, and the headquarters of the journal will move to Baylor. Returning members of the board are Bill Leonard, Ben Leslie, and Elizabeth Newman. Newly elected members are Sally Smith Holt, Doug Weaver, and Diane Wuddel.
Mark Medley announced that the Region at Large would meet with the College Theology Society again this year, May 29- June 1 at Marquette University in Milwaukee. The theme of the convention is “Spirit, Church, and World.” The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.
Minutes of the 2002 Annual Meeting
Jimmy Byrd (Vanderbilt University) Assistant Executive Secretary-Treasurer