NABPR Annual Meeting – 2001
2001 Annual Meeting of the NABPR
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, Colorado
17 November 2001 9:00-11:00 am
The 21st annual meeting of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion was called to order by President Claude Mariottini. A moment of silence was observed remembering the passing of former members David Nelson Duke and Frank Stagg.
Rick Wilson, Executive Secretary, gave greetings and offered appreciation for the work of President Mariottini and Vice President Molly Marshall.
Sharyn Dowd presented the 2001 Festschrift in honor of Charles
Talbert. Talbert received the Festschrift and thanked the association.
Marshall introduced President Mariottini for the Presidential Address
“The Deuteronomonic Concern for Women.” At the conclusion, Marshall opened the floor for discussion.
Marshall introduced the presenters for the panel presentation on the
topic “Participation and Practice: Contemporary Trinitarian Construction.” The presenters were Mark Medley and Dan Stiver. At the conclusion, Marshall opened the floor for discussion.
At 11:00, President Mariottini convened the annual business session.
- The 2000 minutes were approved.</p>
Rick Wilson gave the report of the Executive Committee, which included these items:
a. The presentation of the financial report, which was printed on the back of the agenda for the meeting.
b. A list of the names of people petitioning the Association for membership. The list was accepted unanimously.Sharyn Dowd presented the report of Executive-Treasurer Search Committee. She presented Daniel Mynatt (Anderson College; Secretary-Treasurer for the Southeast Region) as the Committee’s candidate to succeed Rick Wilson.
Bill Bellinger brought the report of the Nominating Committee. Bellinger nominated Molly Marshall for President of the Association and Bill Leonard as Vice President for the next year, 2002. These nominations, and the nomination of the Executive-Treasurer Search Committee, were approved by the Association.
Bill Leonard gave the report of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board did not meet as usual on Friday night because an episode at the Atlanta airport delayed the Senior Editor for the Association and the Chair of the Editorial Board. Leonard did note that he had received the resignation of Scott Nash, Senior Editor, and expressed confidence that a new editor would be secured by next year’s gathering. The Editorial Board Nominating Committee submitted the following names for terms expiring in 2006: Glenn Jonas (Campbell University), Dennis Tucker (Ouachita University) and Mack Roark (Oklahoma Baptist University).
Barry Harvey announced the 2002 meeting of the Region-at-Large which will be held conjointly with the College Theology Society at St.John’s University in Queens, New York. A call for papers for the event has been posted on the Association’s website.
- President Mariottini thanked Marshall and Wilson, and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Daniel S. Mynatt
SE Region Secretary-Treasurer