2024 Joint Meeting FINAL Program
Table of Contents
- AMGP & BHHS & NABPR Joint Conference Program
- Program
- The National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion
- The Association of Ministry Guidance Professionals
- The Baptist History and Heritage Society
- Monday, May 20
- BHHS / NABPR / AMGP Joint Meeting
- Monday Evening, May 20
- Tuesday Morning, May 21
- Tuesday Afternoon, May 21
- 3:30-5:00 pm PLENARY SESSION III Sanctuary
- Tuesday Evening, May 21
- Wednesday Morning, May 22
- Save the Date
AMGP & BHHS & NABPR Joint Conference Program
May 20-22, 2024 • Raleigh, NC
The PDF of the program is canonical
The National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion
Greetings from the NABPR Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Welcome to Raleigh! Let’s express deep appreciation to First Baptist Raleigh, pastor Chris Chapman, chef Troy Dye, and church administrator Wayne Hager, for graciously hosting us. We are also grateful to the Baugh Foundation for a planning grant that has allowed us to offer a special plenary workshop session on Religion in the Media with the BJC, and has allowed us to provide collaborative conversation breakfasts Tuesday and Wednesday. Director of Development Andrew Gardner secured the Baugh grant on our behalf. Thanks to Glenn Jonas of Campbell University, our local contact, and to the planning committee that consisted of representatives from AMGP, BHHS, and NABPR. It has been a joy to dream about this joint meeting for over a year.
Mark your calendars for the November NABPR meeting in San Diego to welcome plenary speaker Ben Cowan of UCSD and NABPR President for 2024-25, João Chaves.
Adam C. English Executive Secretary-Treasurer
The Association of Ministry Guidance Professionals
Greetings from the AMGP Executive Director-Treasurer
Welcome to the 2024 annual meeting of the AMGP. We appreciate NABPR, BHHS, and FBC, Raleigh, for working hard to make this joint meeting possible. AMGP consists of theological educators responsible for guiding students through ministerial call clarification and supervised field experiences in ministry. We provide a forum for sharing information and establishing professional standards for ministry guidance.
This is our third time to be a part of a joint meeting with other professional organizations. Our members will have the opportunity to attend not only AMGP sessions but also NABPR and BHHS sessions. Following this meeting, Dr. Bill Carrell will assume the role of AMGP Executive Director, and will guide us into the future.
Royce Rose Executive Director-Treasurer
The Baptist History and Heritage Society
Greetings from the BHHS Executive Director
Welcome to the 2024 annual conference of the Baptist History and Heritage Society, held this year in cooperation with our colleagues at the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion and the Association of Ministry Guidance Professionals. Since 1969, the Society has sponsored an annual meeting in which we have considered a wide variety of themes relating to Baptist history, listened to formal paper presentations, and participated in stimulating panel discussions. This annual conference builds upon that fifty-five-year tradition. We deeply appreciate the hospitality shown to us by our friends at First Baptist Church, Raleigh, who serves as the official host for this year’s conference. Special thanks go to: Chris Chapman, senior pastor of First Baptist Church, Wayne Hager, church administrator, and chef Troy Dye for their cooperation in planning every aspect of this meeting.
Welcome to Raleigh and to this annual conference. Over the next three days, we will have the opportunity to hear some of the most insightful persons from both inside and outside our denominational life. We are glad that you have joined us.
John Finley Executive Director
Monday, May 20
- 9:00 am-Noon BHHS Board of Directors Meeting 108
- Noon-1:00 pm Lunch for AMGP Board and Committees Fellowship Hall
- Lunch for BHHS Board Fellowship Hall
- 1:00-5:00 pm AMGP Board of Directors 110
- 1:00-3:00 pm BHHS Editorial Board Meeting 108
- 3:00-5:00 pm Registration
BHHS / NABPR / AMGP Joint Meeting
Monday Evening, May 20
3:30-5:00 pm NABPR Executive Committee Meeting Conference Room, Church Office
5:30-6:30 pm PLENARY SESSION I Sanctuary
Presiding: Glenn Jonas, Campbell University
The House Tommy Built and the Life Tommy Lived: Thomas E. Skinner, Baptist Pastor, 1825- 1903 J. Daniel Day, Pastor Emeritus, FBC Raleigh
- 6:30-8:00 pm BANQUET AND ENTERTAINMENT Fellowship Hall
Tuesday Morning, May 21
7:30-8:30 am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Fellowship Hall
7:30-8:30 am Fellowship of Baptist Historians Fellowship Hall
- The List: Policing SBC Women’s Pastoral Titles to Defend a Convention in Turmoil Leslie Garrote, Baylor University
Old Testament I (NABPR) 224
- Presiding: Anna Sieges-Beal, Gardner Webb University
- Wicked Days and Righteous Women Tony Cartledge, Campbell University
- The Need for a Metaphor: Jonathan Haidt’s Use of the Tower of Babel Story Mike O’Neal, Campbellsville University
New Testament I (NABPR) 110
Presiding: Alicia D. Myers, Campbell University
- “With Friends Like These…”: Patrons as “Friends” in the Parable of the Friend at Midnight (Luke 11:5–8) and Roman Satirists Eric Brewer, Baylor University
- Jesus’ Covenant Sacrifice Ceremony: The Lord’s Supper in the Synoptic Gospels Scott Shauf, Gardner-Webb University
- Jesus of Nazareth, A Woman of Sychar, and Jimmy of Plains: Seeking to Save the World F. Scott Spencer, Baptist Theological Seminary of Richmond
Church History I (NABPR) Conference Room, Church Office
- Presiding: Mandy McMichael, Baylor University
- Book Banning from Louisiana College to St. Tammany Parish Christopher L. Schelin, Starr King School for the Ministry
- Faithfully Feminist? Ordained Baptist Women in Atlantic Canada Melody Maxwell, Acadia Divinity College
- Bless Their Hearts: The History of Ministry and Marginalization for Southern Baptist Women Sarah Boberg, Campbell University
Baptist Studies I (BHHS) 227
- Presiding: Christopher C. Moore, Catawba Valley Community College
- The Poteats: Liberal Arts, Liberal Sciences, Liberal Church Music Paul A. Richardson, Samford University
- The Role of Baptist and Meredith College Leadership in White Supremacist Advocacy and Policy in Early Twentieth-Century North Carolina Daniel Fountain, Meredith College
- Brooks Hays: An Unconventional Baptist Leader Rodney Waymon Harris, Williams Baptist University
Baptist Studies II (BHHS) 108
- Presiding: Cynthia Wise Mitchell, South Plains College (Retired)
- Elijah Craig: More Than Bourbon Joseph E. Early, Jr., Campbellsville University
- Did Lottie Moon Drink Alcohol? De-mythologizing the Lottie Moon Cookbook and Its Role in Southern Baptist Hagiography of Slaveholding Women Carol Ann Vaughn Cross, Samford University
- “We Talked With Each Other and Not About Each Other”: When the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Called on a Former Southern Baptist Convention President to Promote a Disease Model of Addiction Merrill Hawkins, Carson-Newman University
Ministry Studies I (AMGP) 220
- Presiding: Jane Wilson, Baylor University
- Dissecting the Bird: Building Vocational Ecosystems to Meet the Needs of Nondenominal Seminary Students Nathan Cost, McAfee School of Theology
- Harrison Paradox Theory Application for Ministry Guidance Professionals Clint Calvert, Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention
10:30-Noon PLENARY SESSION II Sanctuary
- Presiding: Adam English, Campbell University
Tuesday Afternoon, May 21
Religion in the Media Training Workshop, presented by the BJC and sponsored by the Baugh Foundation; featuring Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, BJC Communications Director
AMGP and NABPR Box Lunch Fellowship Hall
NABPR Business Session, Festschrift Presentation, Dissertation Award Presentation, and Financial Report Fellowship Hall
AMGP Business Session 217
BHHS Business Session and Awards Luncheon 302
Old Testament II (NABPR) 224
- Presiding: Barry Jones, Campbell University
- Becoming Undone: The Shifting Identities of the Pilegesh as Narrative Logic and Rhetorical Key in Judges 19 Brent Nessler, Baylor University
- Is Lamentations Also Among the Prophets? Felisi Sorgwe, Houston Christian University
- The Micah Traditions and the Deuteronomists: Can the Elders of the Land Mend the Rift Anna Sieges-Beal, Gardner-Webb University
Theology & Ethics I (NABPR) 110
- Presiding: Scott C. Ryan, Claflin University
- Living the Sermon on the Mount in the Shadows of the Empire: Comparing Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s and Eberhard Arnold’s Community Formation Models Jacob Alan Cook, Eastern Mennonite Seminary
- Baker and Bonhoeffer: Political Theology, Race, and Community Organization Kristopher Norris, Wesley Theological Seminary
- Baptist Freedom — Responsibility? Casey Spinks, Baylor University
Pedagogy (NABPR) 302
- Presiding: Laura Levens, Baptist Seminary of Kentucky
- The Role of Story-Linking in Amplifying the Voices of Women in Scripture Adrienne Aiken Morgan, Campbell University
- Learning and Teaching about the Holocaust Tim Crawford, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
- Theological Pathways for Wholeness: An Exploration of Embodiment, Sexuality, and Gender Taylor Long, Campbell University
Ministry Studies II (AMGP) 220
- Presiding: Bill Carrell, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
- Recovering the Lost Practice of Catechesis Curtis Freeman, Duke University
Baptist Studies III (BHHS) Conference Room, Church Office
- Presiding: Paul A. Richardson, Samford University
- “The Castle Is in Shambles”: A Conservative, Complementarian Critique of Fundamentalist Gender Roles from a Baptist Pastor’s Wife Christopher Price, New River Community and Technical College
- Single, Married, or Mothering: Southern Baptist women negotiate family status with their missionary work in China T. Laine Scales, Baylor University
- “I Thoroughly, Entirely and Heartily Disapprove”: Annie Armstrong and the Woman’s Missionary Training School Melody Maxwell, Acadia Divinity College
Baptist Studies IV (BHHS) 227
- Presiding: Twyla Hernandez, Campbellsville University
- Our Rosetta Stone: Towards an Understanding of Twentieth Century Black Baptist Life
- Daylan Woodall, First Missionary Baptist Church, Decatur, Ala.
- The Baptist Side of Black Baptist Mystic Howard Thurman Loyd Allen, McAfee School of Theology
- Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Peace Movement Rubí Barocio Castells, Universidad Iberoamericana, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Baptist Studies V (BHHS) 108
- Presiding: Joseph E. Early, Jr., Campbellsville University
- Founding Legacy: The Continuing Story of the Original Southern Baptist Churches in New Orleans Lloyd A. Harsch, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
- Large Oaks from Small Acorns Grow: Southern Paternalism, Conservative Backlash, and the Emergence of the Cooperative Program Andrew Smith, Carson-Newman University
- Baptist Postures toward Francis of Assisi Wyman Richardson, Central Baptist Church, North Little Rock, Ark.
3:30-5:00 pm PLENARY SESSION III Sanctuary
- Presiding: Alicia D. Myers, Campbell University
- Presentation of honorary volume to Bill Leonard by Douglas Weaver (Baylor University)
- Book Review: Chaves and Parsons
- Panelists: Jennifer Garcia Bashaw (Campbell University), Merrill Hawkins (Carson-Newman University), Laura Levens (Baptist Seminary of Kentucky), and Melody Maxwell (Acadia Divinity College)
- Respondents: João Chaves (Baylor University), Mikeal C. Parsons (Baylor University)
Tuesday Evening, May 21
- 5:00 pm BHHS and NABPR Free Time and Dinner on your own.
- 5:30 pm AMGP Annual Dinner, Taverna Agora, 326 Hillsborough St., Raleigh, NC 27603
Wednesday Morning, May 22
7:30-8:30 am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Fellowship Hall
Masters-Level Session – New Testament II (NABPR) 108
- Presiding: Jennifer Garcia Bashaw, Campbell University
- Eating the Gods: Theophagy and Contextualizing John 6 Matthew Miller, Campbell University
- Rachel’s Voice in Matthew 2:13–23: Witnessing Sorrow, Contending for Hope Kari White, Campbell University
- All Are Christ’s Manhood: Julian of Norwich’s Reinterpretation of Romans 5:12–21 Gregory Ellington, Campbell University
Theology & Ethics II (NABPR) 110
- Presiding: Cameron Jorgenson, Campbell University
- Mary and Vatican II: Rediscovering an Ecclesiastic Model Fit for Baptist Ecumenical Dialogue Ryan Bradley, University of Dayton
- Thomas Aquinas’ Beliefs about Women: A Legacy Beyond Vatican II Joseph E. Early Jr., Campbellsville University
- The Physics of Entropy Applied to Moral Luck Adam English, Campbell University
Ministry Studies III (AMGP) 220
- Presiding: Lisa Seeley, East Texas Baptist University
- The Message of Jonah: The Danger of Self Centeredness Felisi Sorgwe, Houston Christian University
- Cultivating Wisdom for Ministry Leadership Bill Carrell, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Baptist Studies VI (BHHS) 224
- Presiding: John Finley, BHHS
- Amos Johnson Battle and His Intriguing Ministerial Career Glenn Jonas, Campbell University
Alexander Campbell and the Baptists Douglas A. Foster, Abilene Christian University
- Baptist Studies VII (BHHS) 301
- Presiding: Lloyd A. Harsch, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
- “Exceedingly Useful”: Southern Baptists and Confederate Fast Days Christopher C. Moore, Catawba Valley Community College
- Solomon Peck’s Involvement in the Port Royal Experiment of the South Carolina Islands: A Baptist’s Role in the Civil War Era of Reconstruction Nathan Muldoon, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
10:30 am-Noon PLENARY SESSION IV Sanctuary
- Presiding: Royce Rose, AMGP
- Pedagogy for Preparing Ministers
- Panelists: Dennis Horton, Mandy McMichael, Susan Benton (Baylor, Department of Religion, Office of Ministry Guidance) and Jack Bodenhamer (Baylor, GW Truett Seminary)
Save the Date
Save the Date!
2025 Joint Annual Conference
May 19-21, 2025
Baylor University
Adam DJ Brett CFP
cfp NABPR theology baptist AMGP BHHS