New Book
Announcing The Publication of The Sub Loco Notes in the Torah
When Gerard Weil edited the Masorah of Codex Leningradensis for Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, he encountered certain problematic notes in the Masorah Parva (Mp). He labeled these “sub loco” in the apparatus for the Masorah. Weil planned to discuss these notes in the third volume of Massorah Gedolah. Unfortunately, he died before he was able to publish this volume, leaving the reader of BHS only with the knowledge that some unexplained problem exists wherever the term “sub loco” is encountered. This volume is Mynatt’s 1992 dissertation and a reprint of the original 1994 publication. There is an analysis of all of the “sub loco” notes and a discussion which compares the Mp of Codex Leningradensis, BHS and (where extant) the Aleppo Codex.
Daniel S. Mynatt, The sub loco notes in the Torah of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Gorgias Press, 2017) ISBN:9781463207342
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia books Masorah Parva new books scholarship torah