CFP: AAR Southeast Region 2017 (SECSOR)
The 2017 AAR–SE Region Constructive Theologies Call for Papers is now available. See link following the section CFP below for new submission instructions this year (online form plus e-mail to section chairs).
AAR: Constructive Theologies — In keeping with the conference theme “Utopia and Dystopia,” the Constructive Theologies section invites proposals for presentations on the theme of eschatology, broadly construed. Topics for consideration might include the relationship between future-oriented and realized eschatology; visualizations of the Kingdom/Kin-dom of God; eschatology and ecology; eschatology and embodiment; etc. Constructive Theologies also invites proposals for three co-sponsored sessions: (1) “The Reformation, 500 Years Later” with History of Christianity; (2) “Theological Visions of Hope amidst Modern Dystopias” with Bible and Modern Culture; and (3) “Womanist Practical Theology” with Women, Gender and Religion. For the co-sponsored session on Womanist Practical Theology, we especially seek papers that explore how womanist theological approaches interrogate, disrupt, and enrich theological scholarship, pedagogy, or activism. Contact Steven R. Harmon, Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity ([email protected]) and Elizabeth O’Donnell Gandolfo, Wake Forest University School of Divinity ([email protected]) with any questions.
Submissions for the 2017 SECSOR meeting (to be held March 3-5 in Raleigh, NC) opened on July 1st. Submissions are due by October 1st. The Deadline for Undergraduate Research proposals is December 15th.