Annual Meeting
2022 NABPR and AMGP Meeting Program
Table of Contents
- Program Guide as a PDF
- Greetings from the NABPR Executive Secretary-Treasurer
- Greetings from the AMGP Executive Director- Treasurer
- Greetings from the AMGP Director-Treasurer
- Information
- Program
- Key
- Monday, May 23
- Tuesday morning, May 24
- Tuesday, May 25 –Concurrent Session I — 8:30 – 10:15
- Tuesday, May 24—Joint
- Tuesday, May 24 — Concurrent Session II — 1:30 – 3:15
- Tuesday, May 24 — Plenary II — 3:30 – 5:00
- Tuesday Evening, May 24
- Wednesday morning, May 25 – Continental Breakfast - 8:00 am – 8:30am
- Wednesday, May 25 – Session III
- Wednesday morning, May 25 – Plenary Session III — 10:30-12:00 — Frist Lecture Hall, IC
- Save the Date!
- Hotels Near Belmont University
- Downloads
National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion &
Association of Ministry Guidance Professionals
Belmont University • May 23-25, 2022 • Nashville TN
Program Guide as a PDF
The PDF is canonical.
Greetings from the NABPR Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Welcome to the Annual May Meeting of NABPR. It has been two long years since we last met in person. That was in Raleigh in 2019. Seems like forever…
Save the date for 2023: Gardner-Webb University will host our Annual Meeting on May 25-24. In past years, Gardner-Webb has been an excellent place for our meeting. Also, mark your calendar for November 19, 2023. This year’s plenary speaker for our November meeting will be Dr. Randall Balmer.
At this year’s meeting, we have a full agenda of papers, plenary sessions, and joint sessions with AMGP. On Tuesday morning, we will honor and remember former NABPR President Dr. Charles Talbert. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer Search Committee will also give a report during this meeting. It is bittersweet that this will be the last May meeting that I will plan.
Many thanks go to Barry Jones, our President, Mandy McMichael, Vice-President, and Mark McEntire, our on-site coordinator. We are grateful to Belmont University for their support of NABPR and this meeting.
Daniel Mynatt
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Greetings from the AMGP Executive Director- Treasurer
Welcome to the 2022 annual meeting of the AMGP. We appreciate NABPR and Belmont for working hard to make this joint meeting possible. AMGP consists of theological educators who have responsibility for guiding students through ministerial call clarification and supervised field experiences in ministry. We provide a forum for sharing information and establishing professional standards for ministry guidance. This is our second time to join NABPR for a combined meeting. Our members will have the opportunity to attend not only AMGP sessions but also NABPR sessions. Highlighting the AMGP meeting is a guest lecture by Dr. Andy Watts, Professor of Religion in the College of Theology and Christian Ministry and field education supervisor at Belmont. Royce Rose Executive Director-Treasurer
Greetings from the AMGP Director-Treasurer
Welcome to the 2022 annual meeting of the AMGP. We are thankful for our host institution, Belmont University for working hard to accommodate our two organizations for this meeting. AMGP consists of theological educators who have responsibility for guiding students through ministerial call clarification and supervised field experiences in Christian ministry. We provide a forum for sharing information and establishing professional standards for ministry guidance.
This is our second time to join NABPR for a combined meeting. Our members will have the opportunity to attend not only AMGP sessions but also NABPR sessions. Highlighting the AMGP meeting are guest lectures by Dr. Andy Watts, Professor of Religion in the College of Theology and Christian Ministry at Belmont. He is the field education supervisor for Belmont ministry students.
Royce Rose
Executive Director-Treasurer
Registration is online at NABPR.org: http://nabpr.org/meetings/registration/
Conference Fee: Before May 1: $120. After May 1: $150
All graduate student registration is compliments of NABPR.
All events will occur at Belmont University. The precise venue is TBA.
A list of local hotels appears on the last page of the program. On-campus housing is not available for the 2022 meeting. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The registration fee covers the conference meetings, the banquet on Monday, lunch on Tuesday, light breakfast on Tuesday and Wednesday, and coffee breaks.
If you wish to bring a guest to Monday’s banquet, the cost is $22.50 per unregistered guest. This option is available through the online registration.
The building in which the event occurs has a parking garage beneath it with an abundance of spaces marked for visitors on the first two levels.
If you have questions or concerns, email Danny Mynatt at [email protected]. Danny will forward your question to the appropriate person.
Monday, May 23
AMGP Schedule
- 9:00 – 12:00 Board Meeting — Inman Center 342
- 9:00 – 12:00 New Director’s workshop — IC 343
- 12:00 – 2:30 Lunch — Frist Lecture Hall, IC 4th floor
- 2:30 – 4:30 Board Meeting — IC 342
- 2:30 – 4:30 New Director’s workshop — IC 343
- 5:30-6:00 Registration Check-in — Frist Lecture Hall, IC (4th floor)
- 6:00 Dinner — Frist Lecture Hall, IC (4th floor)
- Program: TBD
The location of the Break Area for the conference is TBD.
Tuesday morning, May 24
– 8:00-8:30am Continental Breakfast — Frist Lecture Hall, IC (4th floor)
Tuesday, May 25 –Concurrent Session I — 8:30 – 10:15
Church History I — IC 312
- Presiding: Stephen Stookey, Wayland Baptist University
How the Catholic Church Defined the Nature, Role, and Purpose of Women in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries Joe Early, Campbellsville University
- Selling the Iron Cage: Bruce Barton and Mass Marketing of the Spirit of Capitalism Adam DJ Brett, Syracuse University
Theology I — IC 340
Presiding: Andy Watts, Belmont University
Where It All (Re)Starts: The Image of God, Created Sociality, and the Basis of “Our” Freedom Jacob Alan Cook, Wake Forest University Divinity School
Civil Rites and Uncivil Bodies Ryan Andrew Newson, Campbell University
’My Body, My Choice’: Dissonant Deployments of Freedom in White Evangelical Christianity Kathryn H. House, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Baptist Studies I — IC 341
Presiding: Carol Ann Vaughn Cross, Samford University
L.R. Scarborough’s Writings on Evangelism and the Holiness Roots of Southern Baptist Denominationalism Andrew C. Smith, Carson-Newman University
- The ‘Pentecostal’ Beginnings and Ecumenical Horizons of Early English Baptists Christopher Schelin, Starr King School of Ministry
- The Columbus Roberts Department of Religion at Mercer 1964-2021 Brian J. Whitfield, Mercer University
Ministry Studies I — IC 342
Presiding: Ben Craver, Wayland Baptist University
Decentralized Theological Education for a Post-Pandemic World Twyla K. Hernández, Campbellsville University
Developing Bi-Vocational Pastors for Kingdom Expansion Rod Earls, Liberty University School of Divinity
Global Missions Involvement for Churches in a Changing Missions Environment Dennis Horton, Baylor University
Tuesday, May 24—Joint
Plenary Session I - 10:30-11:45 — Frist Lecture Hall, IC (4th floor)
- Presiding: Alicia Myers, Campbell University
The Contributions of Charles H. Talbert to New Testament Scholarship and the Baptist Academy
Opening Remembrances: Mikeal Parsons, Baylor University
- Panelists:
- Sharyn Dowd
- Stan Harstine, Friends University
- Jason Whitlark, Baylor University
- Discussion and Remembrances
11:45-12:15 — AMGP and NABPR Business Sessions
- NABPR Business Session
- AMGP Business Session (IC 342)
12:15-1:15 Lunch — Frist Lecture Hall, IC (4th floor)
Tuesday, May 24 — Concurrent Session II — 1:30 – 3:15
Old Testament I — IC 312
Presiding: Cal Robertson, Gardner-Webb University
The Masorah: A Neglected Resource for Biblical Studies Tim Crawford, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Analysis of an Unpublished Paper by Clyde T. Francisco Mike O’Neal, Campbellsville University
Baptist Studies II — IC 340
Baptist Identity and the Place of Political and Social Advocacy Andrew Gardner, Hartford Institute for Religion Research
Self-Interest and White Supremacy: Southern Baptists’ Original and Unwavering Pedagogical Commitments Jeremiah Chester, Fordham University
Troubled by Covenant and Christian Imperialism: A Cultural-Historical Account of Ann and Adoniram Judsons’ Change to the Baptists in 1812 Laura R. Levens, Baptist Seminary of Kentucky
Pedagogy I — IC 341
Presiding: Eric Holleyman, Baylor University
Baptist Women in Ministry: The Ongoing Struggle of the Stained-Glass Ceiling Mandy McMichael, Baylor University
Native American Studies and the Discovery of a New World Helen Lee Turner, Furman University
Tuesday, May 24 — Plenary II — 3:30 – 5:00
NABPR Plenary Session II — Frist Lecture Hall, IC
- Presiding: Mikeal Parsons, Baylor University
Panel review of João Chaves, The Global Mission of the Jim Crow South, Perspectives on Baptist Identities Monograph Series, Mercer University Press, 2022
- James P. Byrd, Vanderbilt University
- Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Duke Divinity School
- Doug Weaver, Baylor University
- Mandy McMichael, Baylor University
- João Chaves, HTI at Princeton Theological Seminary, response
AMGP Guest Lecture
Presiding: Jim Motes, Anderson University
“Field Education” with Andy Watts
Speaker: Andy Watts, Professor of Religion in the College of Theology and Christian Ministry at Belmont University. In addition to teaching responsibilities in religion and social ethics, he serves as the Field Education advisor for the college.
Tuesday Evening, May 24
AMGP Annual Dinner
Amerigo Italian Restaurant 1920 West End Ave., Nashville TN 37203 google maps
NABPR Free Time and Dinner on your own
Wednesday morning, May 25 – Continental Breakfast - 8:00 am – 8:30am
Frist Lecture Hall, IC
Wednesday, May 25 – Session III
- 8:30 – 10:15 Session III
Old Testament II — IC 312
Presiding: Barry Jones, Campbell University
Bathsheba, Archetype of a Voice Reclaimed: Tracing Bathsheba’s Metamorphosis through the Lens of Trauma and Recovery Brent Nessler, Baylor University
Bloody Mothers: Violence and Motherhood in the Ancient Near East and Judges 5 Michelle Hunt, Baylor University
The Hebrew שׁלמים and the Ugaritic šlmm: A Case for Shared Conceptual Function Kyle Rouse, Baylor University
New Testament I — IC 340
Presiding: Judy Skeen, Belmont University
Jesus, the Great Emancipator: Helen Barrett Montgomery’s Translation of the Gospels in the Centenary New Testament Alicia Myers, Campbell University
Was Jesus’ Death Theologically Necessary?” Scott Shauf, Gardner-Webb University
Baptist Studies III — IC 341
- Presiding: Mandy McMichael, Baylor University
“The Life and Contributions of John Claypool”
John Claypool and His Journey Toward the Ministry of the Sacraments Doug Weaver, Baylor University
John Claypool: The Broadway Years Glenn Jonas, Campbell University
Response Jennifer Garcia Bashaw, Campbell University
Ministry Studies II — IC 342
Presiding: Jeter Basden, Baylor University
Theological Reflection in Ministry and the Disciplined Imagination of the World of Scripture Mike Baird, Grand Canyon University
The Romance of Theological Education in the Baptist Tradition Thomas Estes, Hardin Simmons University
Wednesday morning, May 25 – Plenary Session III — 10:30-12:00 — Frist Lecture Hall, IC
- 10:30-12:00
“Theological Traditions and Pedagogical Practices”
Moderators: Patricia Killen, Professor of Religion Emerita, Pacific Lutheran University (Roman Catholic) and Mikeal Parsons, Baylor University (Baptist)
- Peter Reynolds, Southwest Assemblies of God (Pentecostal)
- Cliff Barbarick, Abilene Christian University (Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement)
- Marit Trelstad, Pacific Lutheran University (Lutheran)
Save the Date!
2023 Annual Meeting
May 22-24, 2023
Gardner-Webb University
Boiling Springs, NC
Hotels Near Belmont University
This page contains a list of nearby hotels that might offer a discounted rate:
Visit Belmont * Belmont University * Nashville, TN
The neighborhood around Belmont has several Airbnb/Vrbo properties. Many of them sleep 6-10 and cost $150—200 per night total. Groups of 4 or more will likely beat the hotel prices.
For Air BNB this map will show places all around Belmont: Nashville · Stays · Airbnb - Airbnb
2022 annual meeting Campbell University NABPR