Congratulations to Festschrift Honoree Doug Weaver
Douglas Weaver Profile Photo via Baylor University


Congratulations to Festschrift Honoree Doug Weaver

At the Annual Meeting on May 17, 2021 NABPR honored Douglas Weaver of Baylor University with a Festschrift.

Douglas Weaver

NABPR rightly honored Rev. Dr. C. Douglas Weaver with a festschrift in 2020. Weaver’s teaching and research has expanded our understanding of Baptist identities, diversifying narratives, and complicating research methodologies to tell truer stories. Contributors represent Weaver’s commitment to diversity in his academic mentorship and service, demonstrating how Weaver has helped budding and even established scholars widen their intellectual imaginations, informed by intersectional justice consciousness. The collection also demonstrates how Weaver’s pastoral investment in his graduate students has shaped the landscape of Baptist higher education nationally, and globally.

Doug Weaver with Courtney Pace

Drs. Doug Weaver and Courtney Pace celebrating, Dr. Pace graduation from Baylor University.

The Festschrift is published in in Perspectives in Religious Studies, Volume 47, Summer 2020, Number 2 and entitled “Glory!”: Essays in Honor of C. Douglas Weaver.

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