Official Program for the 2017 Annual Meeting of NABPR
Click here for the program in PDF format. The PDF is always the most up-to-date.
The Official Program for the 2017 Annual Meeting of The National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion, Belmont University, May 22-24, 2017.
Monday, May 22
Please Note: All meeting rooms unless otherwise noted are at BELMONT UNIVERSITY
Frist Lecture Hall, 4th Floor, Inman Health Sciences Building
- 3:00-6:30 Registration Check-in,
Foyer of Frist Lecture Hall, 4th Floor, Inman Health Sciences Building
(Those who requested housing will pay at registration and then be directed to the residence hall for check-in and key pick-up.)
- 3:30-5:00 Executive Committee Meeting, Conference Room, College of Theology and Christian Ministry, 2037 Janet Ayers Academic Center
- 6:00 Dinner, Frist Lecture Hall
- Dinner Program
- Cory Bishop of The New Schematics Music
- Cliff Vaughn “Hazardous to the Truth”
- Dinner Program
Cliff is the producer of the documentary film “The Disturbances.” He will show clips from several documentaries and discuss how editing films for religious audiences carries unique challenges for representing the truth.
The Break Area for the conference will be located in the Foyer by the Frist Lecture Hall
Tuesday morning, May 23
- 8:00 am – 8:30am, Continental Breakfast, Foyer, Frist Lecture Hall
- 8:30 – 10:15, Tuesday, May 23 –Session I
- Old Testament I,Room 404
- Mark McEntire, Presiding
- “Lament and Praise in Book V of the Psalter”, W. H. Bellinger, Jr., Baylor University
- “The Importance of Place in Book Five of the Psalter”, Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford, McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University
- “Living through the Paradox of Faith: A Dialogical Approach to Psalm 57”, B. J. Parker, Baylor University
- New Testament I,Room 405
- Bryan Whitfield, Presiding
- “Typological Intersections and Divine Utterance: Prosopopoeia and Intertextuality in Luke’s Transfiguration,” Jeremiah Bailey, Baylor University
- “The Rhetorical Function of the Fable of the Rich Fool in Luke”, Gregory M. Barnhill, Baylor University
- “Isaiah’s Garden in Mark’s Gospel: Isaiah’s Arboreal Reversal as the Basis for the Recurring Garden Imagery in Mark 11—13,” Rebecca W. Poe Hays, Baylor University
- Church History I,Room 406
- Bill Pitts, Presiding
- “‘Crawford Toy and the Baptist Roots of the World Religion Paradigm”, Andrew Gardner, Florida State University
- “The Ambiguity of Southern Baptist Teachers in Latin America: The Dissemination of Foreign White Supremacy, Native Resistance, and Missionary Whitelash (1882-1946)”, João Chaves, Baylor University
- “Isaac Taylor Tichenor and Them Damn Yankees”, Jacob E. Drake, Baylor University
- Theology I, Room 407
- Mikael Broadway, Presiding
- “Augustine Through the Aegis:_Aurelius Augustine and Noam Chomsky on Power, Politics, and the Problem of Sin”, Gerhard Stübben, Baylor University, “Developing a Christian Understanding of Power and Forgiveness”,_ Jeremiah Hamby, Gardener-Webb University
- “Inmate Ministry as Contextual Missiology: Best Practices for America’s Emerging Prison Seminary Movement”, Joshua Hays, Baylor University
- Pedagogy I,Frist Lecture Hall
- Tom Leuze, Presiding
- Panel: “Disruptive Pedagogies: Cultivating Critical Consciousness”
- “Pastoral Care in the Classroom: Responding to Rape Culture at a Christian University”, Natalie Webb, Baylor University
- “Practicing Pedagogical Inclusivity: Race, Gender, and Class”, Courtney Pace, Memphis Theological Seminary
- “In ‘Other’ Words: Notes on Trying to Learn and Pronounce an Islamic History of the Crusades”, John Inscore Essick, Baptist Seminary of Kentucky
- Responding: Eileen Campbell-Reed, Central Tennessee
- Old Testament I,Room 404
Tuesday, May 23—Plenary Session I, Frist Lecture Hall, 10:30-1:15
- Annual Business Session
- Lunch
- 10:30-1:15
- 10:30 – 11:50 PLENARY SESSION
- “NABPR: Its Mission, Purpose and Public Statements”
- 11:50 – 12:15 – Business Session & Festschrift
- Presentation of the 2017 Festschrift in honor of Bill Bellinger.
- Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford, editor
- Location Frist Lecture Hall
- 12:15-1:15 – Lunch, Frist Lecture Hall
Tuesday, May 23 – Session II 1:30-3:15
- 1:30 – 3:15,Old Testament II,Room 404
- Christine Jones, Presiding
- “Between Justice and Retribution: Tensions in the Biblical Presentation of Widowhood”, Stephanie Wyatt, Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University
- “YHWH, Moses, and Pharaoh: Masculine Competition as Rhetoric in the Exodus Narrative”, Richard Purcell, Emory University
- “Violence and Lament in the Digital Age: A Year of Teaching Psalm 137 Online”, Kim Bodenhamer, Baylor University
- New Testament II,Room 405
- Scott Shauf, Presiding
- “Moving beyond Abstraction in Teaching Textual Criticism”, Seth Heringer, Toccoa Falls College
- “Preaching Mark’s Jesus: Narrative Christology as a Homiletic”, Jennifer Garcia Bashaw, East Texas Baptist University
- “Locating Jesus in the Shadow of the Empire”, Zach Emory, Gardner-Webb University
- Church History II,Room 406
- Doug Weaver, Presiding
- “Finding the Strength to Love: Theological Anthropology and Nonviolence in the Thought of Martin Luther King, Jr.”, Jake Raabe, Truett Theological Seminary
- “Seeds: A Modern Baptist Implementation of the Social Gospel.”, Bill Pitts, Baylor University
- “Examining Responses to Texas Baptists’ 2016 Actions to Remove Fellowship From Churches Who Affirm Full Inclusion of LGBTQ Persons”, Meredith J. Stone, Hardon-Simmons University
- Pedagogy II,Room 407
- Judy Skeen, Presiding
- Panel: “Engaged Pedagogy and Social Justice Education”
- “Teaching the Effective History of the Enlightenment”, Adam DJ Brett, Syracuse University
- “Teaching Social Justice as a Trained Traditionalist”, Laura Rodgers Levens, Baptist Seminary of Kentucky
- “Teaching to Transform in the Age of Trump”, Melissa Browning, McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University
- Theology II,Frist Lecture Hall
- Sally Holt, Presiding
- “The Christological Implications of Martin Luther’s Two Kingdoms: Not Quite Heresy, Not Quite Not Heresy”, Sam Davidson, Truett Theological Seminary
- “White Moderates and Moderate Baptists: Moderateness as a Betrayal of the Gospel”, Kate Hanch, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
- “Lilith: A Fair Appropriation”, Adam Peeler, Mercer University
Tuesday, May 23 – Session III,3:30 – 5:00
- Old Testament III,Room 404
- Stephanie Wyatt, Presiding
- “Athaliah: Guilty by Association If Our Memory Serves Correctly (2 Kgs 11)”, Ginny Brewer-Boydston, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
- “Achsah versus Micah: Reading Judges 17–18 as Counterpoint to the Achsah Narrative in Judges 1”, Nathan Hays, Baylor University
- New Testament III,Room 405
- Eric Holleyman, Presiding
- “Who’s In, Who’s Out: Social Identity and the Warning Passages in the Epistle to the Hebrews”, Kenneth A. Vandergriff, Florida State University
- “Hebrews and the Red Heifer”, Bryan J. Whitfield, Mercer University
- Church History III,Room 406
- John Inscore Essick, Presiding
- “From Edessa to Nisibis: Trajectories in the Development of East Syrian Tradition”, Elias Cade Jarrell, Truett Theological Seminary
- “Civilizing Slave Society: Feeling Ghosts in Francis Wayland’s Antislavery Moral Theology”, Tyler Davis, Baylor University
- Theology III,Room 407
- Laura Rodgers Levens, Presiding
- “Did Hilary of Poitiers’ Teach Definite Atonement?”, Eric Wickman, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
- “Dutton Contra Dutton: Examining Inconsistencies within Anne Dutton’s Theology”, Kate Hanch, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
- “Divine-Human Blending: The Soteriological Dimension of Mixture Language in Gregory of Nyssa’s Christology”, Andrew P. Clark, Truett Theological Seminary
- Pedagogy III,Frist Lecture Hall
- Courtney Pace, Presiding
- Panel: “Stories From the Active Classroom and Beyond”
- “Why Active Learning in the Religion Classroom?”, Christine Jones, Carson-Newman University
- “(More) Active Teaching and Learning”, W. H. Bellinger, Jr., Baylor University
- “Teaching on the Streets: Engaged Pedagogy Outside of the Classroom” , Melissa Browning, McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University
- “Grading Like a Video Game: Skills-Based Assessment”, Robert E. Wallace, Judson University
Tuesday Evening, May 24 – Free Time and Dinner on your own
Wednesday, Morning, May 24
- 8:00 am – 8:30am, Continental Breakfast, Foyer, Frist Lecture Hall
Wednesday, May 24 – Session IV, 8:30–10:15am
- Old Testament IV,Room 404
- W. H. Bellinger, Presiding
- “To Provoke Israel to Jealousy:” The Samaritans within the literature of the Dead Sea Scrolls”, Joseph Kyle Stewart, Florida State University
- “Of Gods and Kings: A Textual Critical Assessment of Zephaniah 1:5”, Nicholas R. Werse, Baylor University
- Theology IV, Room 405
- Melissa Browning, Presiding
- Panel: “No More Walls: A Theological Response to Systemic Inequality”
- Richard A. Thomas, Texas Christian University
- Gerald I. Parks II, Texas Christian University
- Rodney A. Thomas, Jr., Independent Researcher
- Theology V,Room 406,
- Joseph Early, Presiding
- _“Recovering Typological Exegesis: Is It Still Possible?”,layout: pageSeth Heringer, Toccoa Falls College
- _“Telling the Baptist Story: The Need for Qualitative Methods and Practical Theology”,layout: pageJonathan L. Best, St. Thomas University
- Pedagogy IV,Room 407
- Judy Skeen, Presiding
- Panel: “Teaching Religion and Interfaith Reality”
- Loyd Allen, McAfee School of Theology
- Cynthia Curtis, Belmont University
- John Inscore Essick, Baptist Seminary of Kentucky
- Sally Holt, Belmont University
Wednesday, May 24 – Plenary Session II 10:30-12:00
- Roundtable Conversation: “Baptists and Intersectionality”,Frist Lecture Hall
- Moderator: Eileen Campbell-Reed
- Panelists:
- Courtney Pace, Memphis Seminary
- Joao Chaves, Baylor University
- Andrew Gardner, Florida State University
- Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Pacific School of Religion
Click here for the program in PDF format. The PDF is always the most up-to-date.